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Connecticut Oil and Gas Laws

Connecticut oil and gas laws can be found in Title 22 A of Regulations Of Connecticut State Agencies.  Pursuant to Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (b) (1), any person exploring for oil or gas should register with the Commissioner of Environmental Protection on a form prescribed by the Commissioner. Exploration or well drilling should not commence until the Commissioner approves such registration.

Powers and Jurisdiction of the Commissioner

The Commissioner may, at any time, increase or decrease the amount of the surety or performance bond payable to the State of Connecticut upon consideration of the potential extent and degree of pollution from the exploration or production activity, the potential costs for study of the extent and degree of pollution, prevention and remediation of pollution if pollution occurs or is threatened, and the potential costs of proper abandonment[i].

Regulation of Production

The casing program adopted for each well must be designed to protect against the potential for infiltration of oil or gas bearing horizons into a water bearing horizon, to prevent the migration of oil or gas from one horizon to another, and to prevent the infiltration of water from any source into potential oil or gas bearing horizons. All casing should be new and in good condition[ii].

Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Commissioner, surface casing should extend from the ground surface to a depth of at least fifty feet below the lowest fresh water bearing horizon.  Sufficient cement should be used to fill the annular space from the base of the surface casing to the surface of the ground.  Cement should be added from the base of the casing upward and should be circulated back to the surface[iii].

Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Commissioner, all wells should be equipped with a blowout preventer during drilling or production activities and all blowout prevention equipment should be maintained in good working order at all times[iv].

All activities related to the exploration or production of oil and gas including but not limited to the generation of oil field wastes such as waste oil, wastewater, chemicals, mud and/or cement, or the construction of unlined evaporation sumps, catch basins or mud pits, should be conducted in such a manner so as not to create a condition which reasonably can be expected to create a source of pollution to the waters of the State[v].


[i] Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (b) (4).

[ii] Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (d) (1).

[iii] Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (d) (2).

[iv] Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (d) (3).

[v] Regs., Conn. State Agencies § 22a-472-1 (e).

Inside Connecticut Oil and Gas Laws